Monday, August 18, 2008

Jamaican Dawta - Fed Up

I really try not to dislike men, instead look at them as if they are not responsible for the malfunctions that go on in their brain. Unfortunately there are two men in my life that I have to deal with for the rest of my life, as I have children for both..........Dear God why?

Sometimes I feel that relationships are just too hard. What do I need for a man for again? If you think about it the very thing that we need them for, procreation.......... can be had via anonymous donor, and inserted without having him in on the action. Therefore = less stress. Not that I don't love sex, but sometimes the man comes along with it and......really, it's so exhausting!

I know, ladies, you say to yourself, what about companionship, intimacy, the feel of another human being? Valid points all, but ask yourself, especially as you get older, is the stress worth it? Is being alone the same as being lonely? Can't you be lonely in the middle of a relationship? Is alone the worst thing in the world?

Give me your thoughts why dontcha?


Anonymous said...

Firstly, my dear, let me congratulate you on your successful launch of this Blog. I am truly (truely) impressed by you and proud of you. I am also blessed to still have you in my life as a friend after all these years.

Secondly, the term "malfunction" that you used is a rather broad one, and thus, I will use it broadly in my response by assuming that you are referring to our entire range of malfunctions from the annoying to the insurmountable.

As a man, who has "malfunctioned" (Annoyingly) more times that he cares to remember, these hick-ups (as I like to refer to them) are not entirely our fault. Sometimes, they result from a combination of our Lack of Discretion, for which you should rightfully hold us accountable, and other times, it is a result of us simply being Human.

My father always taught me: "Son, keep the level of Respect at its highest in your relationships at all times. This is not necessarily a guaratee, but it certianly helps when it is time to work through matters that are vital to the health of your relationship".

Some people don't understand that relationship, like anything else, is work. Some of us make it harder than it has to be by tainting it with such things as Selfishness, Dishonor and Humiliation. We ought to be "seasoning" our relationships like a Gourmet meal with Respect, Appreciation, Adoration, Honor (Honour) and Devotion.

Since I have resigned myself to having become my father, I would have to say that it boils down to Respect. Do the men to whom you refer actually respect an individual, as a strong, intelligent, practical woman, as an exemplary mother to her children and as a capable professional? These qualities that I mention here are merely a fraction of all that makes you You. Do they KNOW you?

But, what do I know? I'm just a guy who has had a painful crush on you since I was 12 years old.

You know, I'm glad we had this chat.

Anonymous said...

Wow, well said my dear friend (as usual)..In response to your fabulous blog, I'd have to say that it all depends on what "mode" you're in...but being in a relationship comes with alot of work and its either you're in it to make it work or not. Both need to be willing to compromise. Of course we're going to get hurt along the way, but don't we do the hurting sometimes ? The difference is they (our men) won't complain because they see it as being a "whiner" and they're too macho for it usually falls on us women as being the complainers, naggers, etc. Well, for you guys out there its called COMMUNICATION...just talk back to us about how you feel, cause a little communication can go along way towards a great relationship. Yes, I think the stress is worth it in the long run...I really don't want to cheat myself out of a potentially great relationship because i think its too hard (easier said than done, I know, and i'm guilty of that too). Lonely is lonely....but being alone is lonelier...I really don't want to grow old and alone.