Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The money will come....when?

Oprah and some other people have said it. "Do what you love and the money will come". Is that true for everyone or do we most of the time sacrifice our dreams at the altar of survival? There are a lot of people out there who do different things, for a living, some doing what they love and some who are just doing. I feel that there are some professions that the only thing job satisfaction that you will get is that you are doing something that you love, the money NEVER comes. For those people my hat is off to you.

I have not yet made any money writing, have to work to survive, so I blog.....thank God for the internet!!

I think the trick is to love what you do and if you don't, do what you love on the side, harsh reality (and tiring) but true.

How many of you out there are REALLY loving your job?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day it will come down to doing what you love. We all have to pay the bills of course. But even in doing so, do it with a smile even if its not what you dreamed you would be doing. Look at it as a start while never stop dreaming. Turn your dreams into passionate energy towards an attainable goal, one step at a time. So yes while you have to pay the bills, never give up hope towards your real dreams...MAKE them come true. It can only start with YOU !