Monday, August 18, 2008


Wow!! Great responses.

To my first anonymous, your comments are much appreciated, nice to know I still inspire a crush. You are right on point, the trillion dollar question is, do they KNOW me? For that matter, for all of us men and women out there, do your lovers really KNOW us? Hell! Do we KNOW them? Are they taking the time? Are we taking the time? Before the lust sets in, or even after? I had a conversation with a friend about his dissatisfaction with his's the thing, the word friend is there for good reason. Be the friend first.

This person needs to be your friend first, also, take the time to know what happened in their previous relationship and yes (second anonymous) COMMUNICATE with him/her. DO YOUR RESEARCH!! (Go to :-), hehe) If somebody has broken hearts piled up behind them chances are they will break yours too! Doing your research will mean that she/he did not get a crack at yours because you found this out before! I WISH I had spoken to the exes, I would have just had a FRIEND who's a heartbreaker! Or maybe you'll just jump in anyway, because you believe you can change him/her.....NOT!

Also dear God, I cannot stress this enough to my female friends out there.......If he's cheating on her to be with you, then he WILL cheat on you to be with someone else! You did not WIN, they are not the goddamn lotto!

Even worse..... is the person who they hurt parked outside the house with a "cutliss" right now waiting for your ass to just "make their day"?

Try this exercise, look at your current lover and say (to yourself please, or else you'll get the "you're weird" look
)do I KNOW you?

Let me hear from ya!!

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