Thursday, August 28, 2008

Usain, Yam and the USA

For all of you Jamaicans (and some non) who followed the Olympics last week, and more importantly our very own Usain (not to downgrade the girls, but the man is magnetic!) we all know about the power of the Yam!

Track and Field have not had good years recently, Ben Johnson and Marion Jones anyone? So the fact that despite the rigorous testing that involves (I am convinced) draining the atheletes of all essntial bodily fluids and blood, the sprinters shone.

I want to say to all us proud Jamaicans though, stop talk bout the yam!! Retain the air of mystery!!! Or else you hear very soon that the IOC found evidence that Yam contains performance enhancing ingredients.......(at which point all Village Ram will have to admit that yes, they knew this all along....):-)

Seriously though, congrats to all the medalists, and qualifiers too, cause Jah know, I'M NOT RUNNING AROUND THE BLOCK.........and special special, extra hugs and kisses and pride of countryman vibes to

ALL A DE FASSS JAMAICAN DEM!! I know sey de run from de switch woulda come in handy one day!!!

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