Thursday, August 28, 2008

Usain, Yam and the USA

For all of you Jamaicans (and some non) who followed the Olympics last week, and more importantly our very own Usain (not to downgrade the girls, but the man is magnetic!) we all know about the power of the Yam!

Track and Field have not had good years recently, Ben Johnson and Marion Jones anyone? So the fact that despite the rigorous testing that involves (I am convinced) draining the atheletes of all essntial bodily fluids and blood, the sprinters shone.

I want to say to all us proud Jamaicans though, stop talk bout the yam!! Retain the air of mystery!!! Or else you hear very soon that the IOC found evidence that Yam contains performance enhancing ingredients.......(at which point all Village Ram will have to admit that yes, they knew this all along....):-)

Seriously though, congrats to all the medalists, and qualifiers too, cause Jah know, I'M NOT RUNNING AROUND THE BLOCK.........and special special, extra hugs and kisses and pride of countryman vibes to

ALL A DE FASSS JAMAICAN DEM!! I know sey de run from de switch woulda come in handy one day!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The money will come....when?

Oprah and some other people have said it. "Do what you love and the money will come". Is that true for everyone or do we most of the time sacrifice our dreams at the altar of survival? There are a lot of people out there who do different things, for a living, some doing what they love and some who are just doing. I feel that there are some professions that the only thing job satisfaction that you will get is that you are doing something that you love, the money NEVER comes. For those people my hat is off to you.

I have not yet made any money writing, have to work to survive, so I blog.....thank God for the internet!!

I think the trick is to love what you do and if you don't, do what you love on the side, harsh reality (and tiring) but true.

How many of you out there are REALLY loving your job?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

partners & shoes

Whew CB, I knew you had a lot of stuff to get off your chest but damn girrrlll! Looking forward to that book though......

You make a lot of good points, and raise an interesting counterpoint to my whole "getting to know you" edict. You got to know him, and still!!.......what the hell!!??

Here's what I've decided......I am a shoe lover, so I have a shoe analogy for you.......

I'm going to regard a bad partner as a poorly fitting pair of shoes. If the shoe hurts, and it doesn't fit give it to the needy.....

Monday, August 18, 2008


Wow!! Great responses.

To my first anonymous, your comments are much appreciated, nice to know I still inspire a crush. You are right on point, the trillion dollar question is, do they KNOW me? For that matter, for all of us men and women out there, do your lovers really KNOW us? Hell! Do we KNOW them? Are they taking the time? Are we taking the time? Before the lust sets in, or even after? I had a conversation with a friend about his dissatisfaction with his's the thing, the word friend is there for good reason. Be the friend first.

This person needs to be your friend first, also, take the time to know what happened in their previous relationship and yes (second anonymous) COMMUNICATE with him/her. DO YOUR RESEARCH!! (Go to :-), hehe) If somebody has broken hearts piled up behind them chances are they will break yours too! Doing your research will mean that she/he did not get a crack at yours because you found this out before! I WISH I had spoken to the exes, I would have just had a FRIEND who's a heartbreaker! Or maybe you'll just jump in anyway, because you believe you can change him/her.....NOT!

Also dear God, I cannot stress this enough to my female friends out there.......If he's cheating on her to be with you, then he WILL cheat on you to be with someone else! You did not WIN, they are not the goddamn lotto!

Even worse..... is the person who they hurt parked outside the house with a "cutliss" right now waiting for your ass to just "make their day"?

Try this exercise, look at your current lover and say (to yourself please, or else you'll get the "you're weird" look
)do I KNOW you?

Let me hear from ya!!

Jamaican Dawta - Fed Up

I really try not to dislike men, instead look at them as if they are not responsible for the malfunctions that go on in their brain. Unfortunately there are two men in my life that I have to deal with for the rest of my life, as I have children for both..........Dear God why?

Sometimes I feel that relationships are just too hard. What do I need for a man for again? If you think about it the very thing that we need them for, procreation.......... can be had via anonymous donor, and inserted without having him in on the action. Therefore = less stress. Not that I don't love sex, but sometimes the man comes along with it and......really, it's so exhausting!

I know, ladies, you say to yourself, what about companionship, intimacy, the feel of another human being? Valid points all, but ask yourself, especially as you get older, is the stress worth it? Is being alone the same as being lonely? Can't you be lonely in the middle of a relationship? Is alone the worst thing in the world?

Give me your thoughts why dontcha?