Saturday, May 24, 2008

Introduction to the Ja'can Dawta

This is me, the Ja'can Dawta - a little about myself - Black, 40ish, single, and OPINIONATED!! (Oh God, didn't that sound like a personal ad)? anyway, I'm ready to talk about everything under the sun, no subject is taboo for me....lemme hear from you!

You notice how after some of us turn 40 we can't stay out late anymore? I came home at 4:00am the other day, after not doing that for about 3 years, and it took me two days to catch up on my sleep!! Please don't tell me about exercising more, the exercise that I get from walking to the train is QUITE enough thank you very much; plus, I think sweat only goes with strenuous sex so save your damn breath!

If anybody can feel me pain, let's talk, dammit!!