Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm a Nervous Rass Wreck! This is the big day, history being made, the world is watching and so on. I tell you that my craving for a huge bowl of Edy's Rocky Road Ice Cream is so intense right now, that might just be lunch!

On a serious tip, this is the moment we've been waiting for , while it is not the second coming by any means, it is almost damn there!

Let all the enlightened people of the world say....Obama!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Seems like such a long time since I was here, things have been so busy lately!! Can you believe we are here? It's been a long hard road, paved with a lot of nail biting, hand wringing and lots and lots of hope...the AUDACITY of it!

Barack Obama has been through it, having to separate from a man who brought him to his faith, having his family's patriotism (a wife who consents to possibly live in the fishbowl that is public office; not patriotic? Ha!!) questioned, death threats (that seems to have been dealt with quite expediently) and his own persona dissected, torn apart and JUDGED!! However, to be fair, he must have known all this would happen, his courage (and anyone who runs for President) is not something all of us have.......I know I sure as hell don't!! Right now my skeletons need more closet space!!!!

He represents many things for many people, for minorities, one of the many things he symbolizes is the hope of a people who have been marginalized so badly for so long; immigrants such as myself who encountered the demoralizing effects of racism for the first time in this great land of opportunity, and so many of our elders who never thought that they would see a Black/Minority president (Hell even presidential nominee) in their lifetime! There is no doubt he has a large burden/mantle to bear.

I wish him well, I really do, his wife I think would be a powerful, smart, and DOWN TO EARTH ally and adviser to him (make no mistake, the first opinion sought is ALWAYS the First Lady's) and I hope and pray that he will make it to the White House. I hope and pray that the changes he seeks to make will come to pass.

Let's not in all this, forget Hilary, as polarizing a figure as she is, the glass ceiling has indeed been shattered!! I look at my daughters, both brilliant, beautiful, funny and strong, and realize that the two front runners for the Democratic nominee are represented in my girls! Ha! I have no doubt that either one could be.......would be, remains to be seen...... Mummy would have to have the skeleton talk first! :-)

In the meantime let us all hope that everyone wants change, everyone has hope and everyone is ready and willing to make the sacrifice necessary for this to be accomplished.

Yes we can!!