Tuesday, September 30, 2008


What the HELL is going on? Are we in the great depression, could we have seen this coming? WTF????!!!!

To all of my friends and aquaintances who are losing money, losing their jobs, losing their minds with worry.......I'm right there with you but have faith that everything will work out.

Now a lot of us non home owners were breathing a sigh of relief that we had no mortgage liabilities, only to find out that our landlords may be in default!! Those of us who have kept good credit might see our credit scores decline because banks are tightening credit card limits.....this after you've struggled to pay the bills on time and kept your balance down.

It just all seems so futile; hopefully this bailout will come to the table again, one that doesn't cost us regular joe's too much hardearned money that we have to use to pay off our balances to banks that were too free to give credit to people that shouldn't have gotten it so now we have to suffer even though we've done the right thing...phew!!!

Chin up folks, lets have a little faith and hope that things turn around.

Till then there is a moratorium on shoe purchases, I will just have to be fabulous in the ones that I got!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Past Relations

Needless to say by the time most women have reached my age, their hearts have been broken at least once. The level of devastation is different in some cases, the ability to let go easier for some than others.

I have a friend who has a husband who continues to break her heart, she has yet to let go, is it a fear of failure, the unknown, or is she just too tired to make the effort to go through the rituals and drama that go along with the breaking up process.

So many of us find ourselves in this position, the one where breaking up is harder than putting up, I did it for 7 years, until he pulled the rug out from under me.

Would I have been happier if I had not given those 10 years, or where they a necessary part of my development? I had CERTAINLY not found it difficult to break up before!!

Moving on with trust is hard, investing time and love with someone, unsure of the outcome is hard, but what is the alternative....alone?